Sunday, July 13, 2008

North Dakota's Rest Stops Are WiFi!

Whooda thunk it? But they are. This actually seems to be a trend. Vermont's were, as have a few other states (can't remember which ones). I guess it makes sense. Given the prevalence of laptops and travelers with them, I can see states deciding to throw a couple of bucks at going WiFi in certain places.

Anyway, I'm now about 100 miles into ND along I-94. After I left my friends in Minneapolis, I drove until I was just to tired to keep driving, found a decent truck stop, set up the curtains and zonked right out. Drove through a bunch of rain storms. The good news about that is that when they clear up, that's when you get good skies.
The first picture is from when I had pulled off the road in a vain attempt to find dinner. (I am learning that when you see "food" signs along the highways, it doesn't necessarily mean near the highway...) I finally found dinner at a little restaurant waaaayyyy off the highway. It was one of those places that has probably seen better days. I imagine that the new highway being so far from the center of town has all but killed their customer count. Too bad. It was one of those small town diners that you just gotta love. (When I next update the food files, I'll share some of the pics I took. I've been taking food pics with my cell phone so I don't look too much like a tourist.)

This last one is from just before I called it a night. Storms, sunset, and wide-open spaces.

I'm shootin for Teddy Roosevelt for today / tonight. If I get my act together, I should make it by lunch or so. The next leg (from TR to Glacier) is going to be a looooong day.

1 comment:

beachcomber said...

Great shots (and the food too!) Not sure I'd want to try the deep fried pickles! We'll have to compare your pics to the ones Dad took 39 years ago.
Say hi to Teddy for us.