Monday, July 14, 2008

Looking forward to self-driving cars...

So I made it to Teddy Roosevelt NP by lunch-ish yesterday. I decided that, even though it would be a long day, I'd hustle up to the North Unit for the midday, then hustle back to the South Unit for evening, eating, and camping. I truly wish I had planned an extra couple of days just for this series of parks. The TRNP system has to be the least-talked-about, most-underrated park I've ever been to. It's absolutely amazing! Both units have a scenic driving route that you can access any time, if you're camping there. When I come back this way (and that ain't an 'if'), I'm going to plan at least two solid days for each unit, drive the routes at least once at sunrise and sunset, and take advantage of the horse rides in the area.

Anyway, I've got about 10 hours of driving to do today, so I'd better get my butt amovin'. Here's a real quick pic from the South Unit last night.
Oh, did I mention all of the wildlife? Prairie Dog Farms covering the sides of hills, deer, suicidal rabbits (running into the road), and bison. The bison just ain't afraid of people or cars. They're big, they're dumb, and, to be honest, they're ugly. Like smacked-upside-the-head-with-the-ugly-stick-ugly. Betcha this is where they filmed that commercial, though.

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