Friday, July 11, 2008

Greetings from Historic Chippewa Falls

Why it's historic, I have no idea. And, if it's still falling, they should nail it up better. (ba-dum-bum! *groan*) Other than being here for some measured amount of time, it simply seems like a nice mid-west town / city.

It's been a long day's drive. Luckily for me, I forgot about the time-zone jump, so I am magically on-time, even though I was late getting out this am. Nothing much to show for my day other than higher numbers on the odometer, some cheese in the cooler, and a handful of pictures of farms. The weather has been anything but cooperative for me. This am, the conditions would have been good for waterfalls (it was nice and sunny when I was at them yesterday), then bright and sunny in the middle of the day when I was around farms. (Too much contrast and glare.) I had some great sky for about an hour, but I couldn't find the right spot. (And didn't want to dawdle too much.) Here's a couple of quick ones from Chippewa before I head back on the road again.

Gotta love the coffee houses with WiFi!

I know I'm breaking my "rule" about spending one night in each state to call it "visited", but I think it's time to move on. I know I've missed a lot along the road, but I saw no reason to drive all the way into Wisconsin last night. By the time I hit the hotel, I was ready to drop.

Onward and Westward.

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