Friday, July 25, 2008

A Couple of Detours

In my original plans, on Wednesday, I was going to leave Hell's Canyon area for Craters of the Moon National Monument. After I'd heard repeatedly that it's only kinda worth it to head to, and that Rt 12 through Idaho is a better bet, that's the way I went. Rt 12 is an area rich with history. It runs along (and mostly underneath) an ancient indian trail known as the Lolo trail. This trail was used as a means of trade and communication by the native tribes, as part of the route Lewis and Clark took during their navigations, and as the primary route out of Imnaha canyons by the Joseph Band of the Nez Pierce, as they were trying to escape "relocation" by the US government. ("Nez Pierce" is really pronounced more like Ne-mi-po. Maybe someone can comment in why the two names.)

Due to the time of day, and the winding, mountainous aspects of the road, I don't have too many pictures along Rt 12. The detour was certainly worth it, though. Especially because I would not have taken the next detour I'll talk about. If nothing else, the Lolo Steakhouse would have been worth the detour. (Gotta get a new Food Files going before it gets too long.)

One picture from rt 12 shortly before camping out for the night.

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