Thursday, August 7, 2008

haven't posted in a while...

Figured I otta check in.

went to cubs astros game. toured fermi labs. went to indiana dunes
nat. lakeshore. currently waiting in line for millenium force at
cedar point. will head into pittsburgh tonight so that my friend and
i can take his daughter to kennywood for her fifth. will post pics
and food when i have good net.

sadly, only a couple of days left on this trip. :_(

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looking like a trip of a lifetime! Your mom made it to Ra-cha-cha with few problems (except some good amt of rain in the NYS Thruway). We went to the Public Market (where she asked where the live chickens were; I haven't seen chickens there since I was a kid, but they were to a guy selling their eggs), breakfast and the Brockport Arts Festical this morning. Barb is off to see "Mama Mia" with Grandma & Merrie Lou this afternoon, then the drive back. See you next weekend in MA.